Copyediting & proofreading
Your voice, clarified.
My admiration for writers is real. To immerse readers in a world of your vision is a gift.
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the editing process? Let me help you bring your book to life. As a book editor, I know that the journey from manuscript to publication can be daunting. That's why I'm devoted to helping authors like you succeed.
I understand that book editing is about more than just fixing errors. It's about solving challenges and working with you to achieve your vision for your story. Whether you need a line edit, a copy edit, or a final proofread, I've got you covered. My editing services are tailored to your needs and budget, so you can feel confident that your manuscript is in good hands.
Don't let editing challenges hold you back from publishing your book. I believe that every manuscript can benefit from a skilled editor, and I'm here to help you bring out the full potential of your work. Contact me today to discuss your project and take the first step toward publishing success.
Style, structure, and tone
Word use, voice, syntax
Clarity and readability
Grammar, punctuation, spelling, and formatting
Word or PDF
Final stage to catch last-minute errors or formatting issues before publishing